Rains bring energy costs in SIC to its lowest level in a decade

13 agosto, 2014
CMPC aumenta aporte de energía al SIC en 59% durante 2013

CMPC aumenta aporte de energía al SIC en 59% durante 2013

The bad weather fronts that affected in recent weeks to the south central part of the country have helped to alleviate the complex situation of energy costs on the host, driving prices to their lowest level in more than a decade.

According to the CDEC-SIC’s projections, this week the marginal cost in the Central Interconnected System (SIC) will average US $ 26.34 per MW / h, its lowest level since restrictions of gas from Argentina began.

The rains have increased the contribution of river hydroelectric power plants and reservoir system, which mostly are generating at full capacity, and in some cases have had to pour water as the Angostura’s Plant from Colbún.

Thus, so far this August, hydropower generation accounts for 57.62% of the total energy produced in the SIC. Meanwhile, the thermal units have reduced their presence, contributing 36.02% of the energy to the system.-

Source: Diario Financiero

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