Court rulings on preparing investment projects nearly $ 12,000 billion

12 agosto, 2014
tribunal de justicia

tribunal de justicia

The figure increases by $ 10 billion if Pascua Lama joins, work is also in justice and whose allegations at the Supreme were suspended. However, this project is ensnared by its high cost and low price of Gold.

Eight flagship projects are currently waiting for a court ruling, either as the Supreme or Court of Appeal, which together account for almost $ 12,000 million investment. The figure increases by $ 10 billion if Pascua Lama joins, work is also in justice and whose allegations at the supreme were suspended. However, this project is ensnared by its high cost and low price of Gold.

The other eight initiatives are awaiting a decision to leave behind the prosecution. Among the cases in question is a resolution that is expected by the environmental authorities and lawyers. It is the opinion of the El Morro mining project, whose investment amounts to $ 2,500 million and is located in the Region of Atacama.

The latest advice of the Copiapó Court of Appeals determined that indigenous communities have not only rights, but also must have duties after failed consultation established by the ILO Convention 169, therefore lawyers related to the cause expect the Supreme confirm the judgment of the appellate court and give green light to the project. Today the cause is right, and Minister María Eugenia Sandoval is responsible for drafting the ruling.

In the hands of the judge is also the preparation of the opinion of one of the flagship projects of Endesa Chile, Neltume. Last week, the court wrote to the environmental authority of the Región de los Ríos so that, within five days, determine whether indigenous consultation has been adjusted to Convention No. 169 OIT.

Another initiative that is ongoing in courts is Caserones from SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile. This in a case involving the “regularization towers of electrical transmission line 2 x 220 Maitencillo- Caserones and updating Mina Caserones.

In the case, the company’s lawyer Javier Vergara Fisher filed a brief in which he reiterated that the project does not violate fundamental rights. He further argued that the environmental assessment of the DIA had enough information to lead to citizen participation.

On another front, goes on the Rio Cuervo Project from Energía Australt, but more slowly. In fact, not until the end of May the Third Chamber of the Supreme appointed Judge Rosa Egnem to draft the ruling.

Meanwhile, the La Granja de Cerdos Porkland project had to overcome from environmental courts to the Supreme. Today the resolution of this case is in agreement. The slaughtering plant faces opposition from the people of the town of Til Til.


Meanwhile, an underground legal dispute takes place in the Santiago Court of Appeals, the Ministry of National Assets against Atacama communities. This is because an injunction seeking the annulment decree given by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research 36,381 hectares for Prosecutor Benefit.

“It will allow by 2020 our country will focus on the 70% of the world’s astronomical infrastructure, the most powerful telescope ever built will be installed in our country,” said the prosecutor from Conicyt in a legal document, Jorge Álvarez.

Source: Pulso

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