Collahuasi and Candelaria lead copper production increases

6 febrero, 2014
Collahuasi y Candelaria

Cochilco report also adds that Quebrada Blanca and Zaldivar recorded the main falls.

According to the Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco) Study entitled “Report of the Copper Market Trends October 2013-January 2014”, year 2013 ended with a copper mine production of 5.78 million tons, and an increase of 6 3% compared to 2012.

The main increases in production in the Chilean copper mining occurred in the Collahuasi mine (57.6%), Candelaria (38.2%), Escondida (10.9%), and operations of Anglo American Sur (12.2%). This increase in copper production is explained by higher ore grades, and resolving operational difficulties encountered in past measurements, according to Cochilco’s Report.-

While Quebrada Blanca Zaldivar mining reported significant drops in production due to the mineral depletion process and fall law. In addition, Chuquicamata and Salvador Codelco’s divisions were down production of 65,000 MT (8.3%) and 8.4 thousand MT respectively. The report notes that Chuquicamata will lose productive capacity far transiting an underground operation, while in the case of Salvador, this is in the phase of depletion of its mineral reserves.

According to the provisions of the document, it is significant that in 2013 began the production phase two major projects as Ministro Hales Mining who has a production capacity of about 200 thousand tons and Caserones with 190 thousand TM.

The Commission report also notes that for this year has been estimated that most production from 2013 would come from Codelco’s Ministro Hales mine, which began operating in late 2013. Is noted that Collahuasi will continue to expand its production but at a slower pace, as it reaches the limit of its capacity.

The Cochilco’s report concludes by stating that by 2015, the largest projected production would come from Codelco, Caserones and Sierra Gorda, estimating their entry to the full operation of the latter two this year.

Source: Estrategia

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