Codelco evaluates 100-year life extension for Chuqui with expansions

14 junio, 2012

12-06-2012 La Tercera – Noticias
– Plans consider furthering a second underground exploitation stage of mine
– First underground exploitation stage to be carried out in 2018 with cost of approximately US$ 4 billion

A second underground expansion stage for Chuquicamata. This initiative is part of the plan Codelco is evaluating to apply in the deposit that has historically provided the highest amount of resources to the company with the purpose to extend the useful life of Chuquicamata.

Until now the state-owned company has only incorporated the first stage of the Underground Chuqui plan. This project is foreseen for 2018 and includes transforming the biggest open pit mine in the world into underground mine while maintaining coexistence of the two mining methods for two years in order to achieve optimum production level by 2027. With the first stage of underground Chuqui the deposit will extend its mining capacity for about 60 years. Additionally, the mine could even extend its life for another additional 50 years with a new expansion stage. “We all pledge our commitment to the underground mining for a long time”, Julio Aranis, Operations VP of North Operations, stated. The officer explained that Chuqui has mining resources for 4,200 million tons of copper with 0.71% ore grade. With underground stage 1,650 million tons will be used then remaining approximately 2,900 millions of mineral. “Consequently, an absolute option exists once this project is already operating to start the revision of a second underground stage for Chuquicamata”, he added.

Alvaro Aliaga, Chuqui underground project manager, considers the underground operation will be an “intermediate stage” for mine development. Chuqui underground stage is aimed at obtaining better grade ore and 400 thousand tons annual production. For the second underground stage the operation is expected to keep that yield pace. “It is our intention to retain Chuquicamata for many years and keeping it producing that same level”, Aliaga stated. He also commented that recognition works will be started to lay out some ideas on future mining actions. “The purpose is following that pace, not yet, but once underground Chuqui is realized we will have clear way to undertake whatever may come from 2060 onwards”,

In 2011 the mine yielded 443 thousand tons, however between January and March and production dropped 40%.

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