Mining investment is projected for $ 30 billion in 2016 in Antofagasta

13 junio, 2013

Despite the suspension or postponement of some projects, the region will continue becoming leader of the mining industry nationwide

Between U.S. $ 30 billion and $ 40 billion will be invested in the Antofagasta Region to 2016, continuing the rapid growth that the area has experienced in the last two decades, thanks to the development of the mining industry.

According to the National Mining Society (Sonami), even if in the area observed with concern the suspension or postponement of some projects, initiatives launched by Codelco Norte to U.S. $ 11,700 million, Sierra Gorda, with U.S. $ 3,900 million estimated, and Escondida U.S. $ 5,500 million, will help keep predicting a positive scenario for a region where 66% of local GDP is generated by mining. “The Antofagasta Region is well positioned. At the country level, has the highest regional GDP, and at the international level, we can say that their indexes correspond to a developed country. Indeed, GDP per capita in the region, adjusted for purchasing power, is U.S. $ 49,368, well above the United States, which is U.S. $ 46,860, “explains Alberto Salas, president of the Sonami.

Of the total project portfolio forecasted for Chilean mining sector, 37% will be held in the area, according to Antofagasta Industrial Association (AIA). This, says Marko Razmilic, president of the organization, will allow the region to “lead the battle for competitiveness in the mining industry in general and, in particular copper mining” a target in the AIA are being raised for a while and will involve mainly consolidate a strategic alliance between mining companies and small, medium and large company providers, detailing the entrepreneur.

Currently, they are running initiatives in the region of U.S. $ 14.059 million, which focus primarily on the exploitation of copper, whose national production reached to 5.4 metric tons per year, according to the Mining Council.

Regional challenges

“We want to be the first region developed in the country, but to do so we have to assume a significant and urgent tasks in key areas: relationship between mining companies and suppliers; regional institutions of national assets; shoreline management, urban management of the cities, quality of education and training, volume and dynamics of public investment, “says Razmilic of IAA.

To do this, says the expert, we have to reverse, first, the lack of professional manpower and technology that exists today in Antofagasta, a product of economic dynamism and the quantity of investment projects in the industry. And, secondly, it should enhance sustainable regional development, through partnership between the public sector, the productive and educational institutions in order to maximize opportunities for the community.

“Regional Sustainability requires us to offer educational / training meets powerful Corlo requirements, medium and long term regional economy and at the same time, constitutes the necessary opportunity for the young people of this area. We have come far in this topic, but we need to put the pedal to the metal ‘, says Razmilic.

Meanwhile, Alberto Salas says that one of the main challenges of the sector is continuing to contribute to poverty reduction in the regions and mining towns. “In 1990, the poverty level in Antofagasta reached 34.2%, which fell significantly in the last 2009 measurement, showing that only 8% of the population of the region lives in precarious, being the lowest amount among all regions of the country, “he concludes.

Source: Diario Financiero

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