Codelco has $ 2,000 billion of its own resources to invest this year

17 julio, 2014


New debt issuance depends on the opportunities.

Codelco will invest just over $ 4,000 million this year, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Ivan Arriagada. This will be achieved with funding by various routes. First, with the debt issue, where a few weeks ago a bonus rose by about $ 820 million.

In addition, an estimated equity product depreciation add about $ 2,000 million. The rest should come, he said, the capitalization plan, which already have been paid $ 200 million.

Regarding the possibility of issuing more debt to complete what is lacking, Arriagada said the company has an annual program in this item and, therefore, depending on the opportunities will be decided. “I do not have a definite date for doing so,” he said.

If the process of capitalization delayed projects, Arriagada said he hopes that the calendar is not affected.

Source: Diario Financiero

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